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The Boys
These boys are either bred by us or owned by us. Some still live here, some are with their new owners, some have gone on to the rainbow bridge. These is not a complete list of our boys...

BEST IN SHOW / BEST PHILIPPINE BORN IN SHOW Philippine Grand Champion Fantasia Must Be A Domino

Multi R BEST IN SHOW Philippine Champion Fantasia Dark Knight

R. BIS Philippine Champion Sugartowne Born To Ryde , Sire of Merit

Multi BOB winner from the classes and American Champion Producer American Champion Fantasia Dark Moon Rising

American Champion Fantasia Dark Wild Fires, American Champion Producer

Best Philippine Born In Show / R. Best In Show Philippine Champion Fantasia's Mirror Image

Philippine Champion August Moon's Black Velvet "USA"

BISS / BIS4 Philippine Champion Fantasia's Wild N Wonderful

BEST IN SHOW Bellaruss Champion / Russian Champion Fantasia Dark Pleasures (multi champion producer)